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key() action

The Talon key() action allows you to press, hold, and release virtual keyboard keys. You can use it in .talon files directly, and most of the time don't need to quote the argument. For example key(ctrl-f) is equivalent to key("ctrl-f") in .talon files. In Python you do need to quote the argument and can use the action like this:

from talon import actions

Here's some of the syntax you can use with the action:

  • key("f") - Presses the f key.
  • key("ctrl-t") - Presses and holds down the control key, then presses t, then releases everything.
  • key("\\"") - Presses the " key.
  • key("ctrl-shift-alt-super-t") - Presses and holds down the control, shift, alt (aka option on mac), and super (windows key or cmd key on mac) keys, then presses t, then releases everything. Note how you can apply multiple modifiers by connecting them with hyphens.
  • key("left delete") - Presses the left arrow key, then the delete key.
  • key("ctrl:down") - Presses and holds the control key. You can use "ctrl:up" to release the key later in the same or a a subsequent key() call. You can use :up and :down with any key, not just modifiers like control.
  • key("tab:3") - Presses the tab key three times.

Some key names are listed above, and some directly map to what is inserted (e.g. key(1) presses the number 1 key). Some key names are not obvious. A partial table of key names with descriptions follows.

Key name(s)Description
a z 0 9 - + ( ) etc.Presses the key corresponding to the symbol
left right up downArrow keys
backspace bkspThe backspace key (delete character to left)
delete delThe delete key (delete character to right)
escape escThe escape key
pgup pageup pgdown pagedownThe page up and page down keys
return enterThe enter key
tab spaceThe tab and space keys
home endThe home and end keys
alt super ctrl shiftCan be held down with e.g. key("shift:down") (and released with :up)
ralt rctrl rshiftThe key on the right hand side of the keyboard
capslock scroll_lock insertPersistent mode switch keys
f1 f2 ... f35The f1 to f35 keys, many of these are probably not on your keyboard, but are nonetheless available
mute voldown volup play stop play_pause prev next rewind fast_forwardMedia keys
altgrCan be combined with another key to add accents, e.g. key("altgr:down e altgr:up") produces "é". The dead_* keys might suit you better though.
menu help sysreq printscr composeMiscellaneous keys
brightness_up brightness_downScreen brightness control
backlight_up backlight_down backlight_toggleMaybe keyboard backlight controls?
keypad_0 keypad_1 ... keypad_9The number keys on a keypad
keypad_clear keypad_enter keypad_separator keypad_decimal keypad_plus keypad_multiply keypad_divide keypad_minus keypad_equalsOther keypad keys
dead_grave dead_acute dead_circumflex dead_tilde dead_macron dead_breve dead_abovedot dead_diaeresis dead_cedillaKeys which causes the next key pressed to be accented. For example key("dead_acute e") produces "é".
dead_perispomeni dead_abovering dead_doubleacute dead_caron dead_ogonek dead_voiced_sound dead_semivoiced_sound dead_belowdot dead_hook dead_horn dead_iota dead_stroke dead_abovecomma dead_psili dead_abovereversedcomma dead_dasia dead_doublegrave dead_belowring dead_belowmacron dead_belowcircumflex dead_belowtilde dead_belowbreve dead_belowdiaeresis dead_invertedbreve dead_belowcomma dead_currency dead_lowline dead_aboveverticalline dead_belowverticalline dead_longsolidusoverlay dead_a dead_e dead_i dead_o dead_u dead_small_schwa dead_capital_schwa dead_greekOther keys which accent the next key pressed